Saturday, February 22, 2014

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Sea World

Last weekend we spent some time at Sea World San Antonio. Now that's nothing new for us as we're lucky to live near it, but they had an extraordinary presentation from a local organization that rescues wild birds. Normally I'm not a bird fan, but it was quite interesting.

We enjoyed spending several hours there enjoying the rides (it was nice out so we even went on one of the water ones) and animal shows. As a bonus, Sea World is offering free tickets for preschoolers (ages 3-5) living in Texas, but you have to register by May 31st. If you live near Orlando or San Diego, you might check their sites as well because I believe they were offering it for local preschoolers too.

With Monkey girl in school, Bro Bro monkey and I are bound to have a few play dates there before school lets out. When we take Monkey girl, she makes sure we never miss Shamu, the dolphins, and the flamingos. Bro Bro hasn't really decided on a favorite, but he loves the rides and giant jungle gym. If you're lucky enough to live near a Sea World, check out their camps too! We haven't tried them, but they look incredible.


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